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Belarusian Gomselmash starts exporting heavy-duty grain harvesters

GOMEL, 2 February (BelTA) – The Belarusian agricultural machinery engineering company Gomselmash has started exporting the grain harvesters KZS-1624-1 (Palesse GS16). The harvester boasts the highest performance among the Gomselmash harvesters, BelTA learned from Vasily Kozlov, Head of the Office for Sales in Central Russia at Gomselmash.

The Palesse GS16 harvester can harvest fields with the crop yield of up to 120 centners per hectare. The harvesters were made for Russia’s Tatarstan. Gomselmash will ship 11 harvesters in this batch. Up till now the Palesse GS16 harvester has been exported as singletons only. Three harvesters have been dispatched already. The other ones will be dispatched on schedule in February. “We stay in touch with representatives of the Russian company and enjoy full understanding with them,” said Vasily Kozlov.

The Palesse GS16 harvester boasts advanced electronics. Apart from providing information to the operator the onboard computer takes care of registration, statistics, and control functions. The computer is programed to adjust the harvester’s operation to the crop, crop yield, humidity, and impurity content.

The harvester is powered by a 530hp engine. The harvester is primarily intended for large agricultural enterprises that grow a lot of high-yield headed grain crops, grain legumes, and other thrashable crops.

Gomselmash and agricultural enterprises in Russia’s Tatarstan are connected by long-term partnership. About 1,000 grain harvesters and forage harvesters made by Gomselmash are used in this Russian region.

The Belarusian industrial group Gomselmash is a major manufacturer of agricultural machines. It is one of the world’s top manufacturers of harvesters and other complicated agricultural machines. Under the proprietary brand Palesse the company offers grain and forage harvesters, corn and potato harvesters, mowers and other kinds of agricultural machines. The Palesse family includes 16 types of agricultural machines, 75 basic models and modifications, 70 kinds of adapters and implements designed for harvesting various kinds of crops.