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Cardboard-making plant in Belarus' Dobrush to be commissioned by year end

DOBRUSH(BelTA) – The plant to produce cardboard in Dobrush will go operational by the end of 2020, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko told journalists as he visited Dobrush Paper Factory on 4 February, BelTA has learned.
“By the end of the year the factory will start working in the routine mode. It will operate at its full capacity,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. According to him, all the works will be completed mainly by Belarusian enterprises. The equipment will be launched by an Austrian company.
Plans are in place to set up a plant to produce cardboard packaging in the old facilities of the factory. “We know how to do it, our printing houses have the necessary competencies,” the head of state noted. “By the end of the year we will start doing it here, in the old facilities,” he added.Aleksandr Lukashenko explained that without a visit to the factory he would not be able to make a decision about funding the completion of the project. “There was a short delay because I did not sign an appropriate decree. However, I could not sign it because I did not know what was happening here. I did not intend to do anything in the dark,” he said. “We have everything to make this plant operate,” Aleksandr Lukashenko added.
The president added that he might visit the plant in the autumn and check the preparations for the commissioning.