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Financial rehabilitation paperwork for Belarusian Gomselmash ready

GOMEL, 22 May (BelTA) – The government has prepared the document on financial rehabilitation of the Belarusian agricultural machinery producer OAO Gomselmash. The information was released by Prime Minister of Belarus Andrei Kobyakov during his working tour of Gomel Oblast on 20 May, BelTA has learned.

According to the head of government, this document has been created with assistance of the banks, which are the main creditors of the enterprise. The financial rehabilitation scheme also provides for using state budget resources, however, the timeframe for repaying the resources precludes spending a single ruble on needs of Gomselmash. "The document will be forwarded for consideration and approval of the head of state soon. We hope that once it is adopted, it will allow considerably improving the financial situation at OAO Gomselmash. It will give some breathing space to the company and will allow it to reach normal operation mode," Andrei Kobyakov remarked.

The current state of affairs is primarily attributed to the falling purchasing power on Gomselmash's traditional markets. "There is nothing unpredictable here. When an economy suffers from crisis phenomena, one tries to cut down on investing. Harvesters are an investment product. In other words, our partners are trying to use old machines as much as possible," said the Prime Minister.

Naturally crises come and go, however, Gomselmash needs to work now. This is why the government has come up with measures to preserve the core of the workforce, the mode of operation, and to sell the stock in storage. It is possible that some of the harvesters will be sold domestically. "Gomselmash will still exist in any case. It is our brand and the machines will be in demand both on traditional markets and new ones," the Prime Minister was convinced.