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Gomel Oblast to host Zov Polesya ethnocultural festival on 23 August

GOMEL, 8 August (BelTA) – The international festival and ethnocultural traditions Zov Polesyia will be held in the agro-town of Lyaskovichi, Petrikov District, Gomel Oblast on 23 August. This year the festival has acquired the international status, BelTA learnt from the organizing committee of the event.

The forum will gather participants from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and Moldova. Belarus will be prenseted at the festival by eight districts of Gomel Oblast (Zhitkovichi, Yelsk, Kalinkovichi, Lelchitsy, Mozyr, Narovlya, Petrikov and Khoiniki) and three districts of Brest Oblast (Luninets, Pinsk, Stolin), the collective of the Pripyatsky National Park.

The event will feature a rich concert program, arts and crafts expos. The forum will host its first award ceremony for the Honorary Polesye Resident and the cancellation of the postage stamp. The forum will also include a beauty contest, an exhibition about famous Polesye residents, a young family competition and a towel festival.

The main organizers of the festival are the Brest and Gomel Oblast Executive Committees, the Culture Ministry, the Agriculture and Food Ministry, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the Information Ministry, the Pripyatsky National Park, the Mozyr Oil Refinery and Belagroprombank.

The major objectives of the festival is to preserve and popularize the ethnocultural traditions of Polesye, study and support the historical and cultural heritage of this unique land and strengthen creative ties between the residents of the Polesye border-zone of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, create favorable conditions for tourism development.

Zov Polesya was first held in 2010. The program of the festival is aimed at the preservation and popularization of ethnocultural traditions which are Belarus' national cultural assets.