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Gomel, Russian Kursk update twinning agreement, agree on mutual visits

The Belarusian city of Gomel and the Russian city of Kursk updated their twinning agreements and came to terms on mutual visits during the international communication and information technologies forum TIBO 2022, BelTA has learned.

Chairman of the Gomel City Executive Committee Piotr Kirichenko and Kursk Mayor Igor Kutsak signed an agreement on twinning the two cities. The document will give another impulse to all-round cooperation between Belarus and Russia's Kursk Oblast.

Piotr Kirichenko remarked: “The agreement has been resigned and prolonged. Twinning ties with Kursk were established back in 2004. We maintain comprehensive cooperation not only in social spheres but also in education, healthcare, and culture. Apart from that, our commercial entities traditionally cooperate actively.”

The head of the Gomel city administration added that on the sidelines of the forum he had not only prolonged the agreement but had also met the new Kursk mayor. “We reached an agreement on mutual visit. We will see what other contact points we have and will work out a joint action program for the next few years,” Piotr Kirichenko said.

The official remarked that a fair will take place in Kursk soon. The Belarusian enterprise Gomelstroymaterialy will take part in it. Kursk Oblast also demonstrates mutual interest. Belarusian flagships such as Gomselmash are also interested in cooperation with this Russian region.

The year 2022 is a jubilee one in cooperation between the Belarusian government and the Kursk Oblast administration. Cooperation proceeds within the framework of the agreement on trade, economic, scientific, technical, and cultural cooperation between Belarus and Russia's Kursk Oblast of 29 September 2020. Interregional partnership is a priority avenue of the joint work. Agreements with five districts and 20 protocols on twinning ties between districts and cities of Belarus and Russia's Kursk Oblast are in effect.

Work is in progress to update the protocols on twinning ties between districts and cities that Kursk Oblast and Belarus signed before 2005. An agreement on twinning ties will be signed when Kursk Oblast Governor Roman Starovoit visits Belarus.

The international forum on information and communication technologies TIBO 2022 will be running from 6 to 10 June. On display are products and services from well-known manufacturers of telecommunication equipment, hardware and software, mobile and landline communication operators, developers and suppliers of high-tech products, security systems, smart solutions and services for the consumer market and the corporate market, scientific and educational institutions.

BelTA – News from Belarus