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Gomselmash to ship combine harvesters to Russia's Irkutsk Oblast

Gomselmash combine harvesters will be used to renew the fleet of farm machinery in Irkutsk Oblast, BelTA learned from the Gomel-based company.

Representatives of Gomselmash visited the agricultural festival Field Day in Cheremkhovo District, Irkutsk Oblast. The delegation from Gomel showcased the GS812 grain harvester produced through the collaborative effort of Belarus and Russia.

The Belarusian delegation met with senior officials of Irkutsk Oblast to discuss supplies of machinery and equipment under the program that provides for reimbursement of lease payments. “It is important to make machinery and equipment more affordable to all farmers. The amount of funds earmarked from the regional budget to reimburse lease payments has been increased by 70%,” said Irkutsk Oblast Governor Igor Kobzev. The region hopes that the new program will give a strong boost to the agricultural sector.

A reminder, at the 9th edition of the Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia, a cooperation agreement was signed to supply Gomselmash harvesters to Irkutsk Oblast.

The company clarified that the first Gomselmash GS5A combine harvester will be sent to the Russian region in the near future. There is also an agreement to ship the grain harvester Gomselmash GS3219 during the off-season. This will be the region's first combine harvester of this model. The Trading House Gomselmash-Siberia will provide pre-sale preparation and service maintenance of the equipment.

BelTA – News from Belarus