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Agriculture ministry: No sugar deficit in Belarus

The area under sugar beets has been increased this year, there are no problems with sugar supply, Agriculture and Food Deputy Minister Vladimir Grakun said at a press conference on 19 July, BelTA has learned.

“There is a sufficient amount of sugar on the market. We harvested enough sugar beets in 2021 to fully meet the domestic demand for sugar. This year, the area under this crop has been increased. We plan to harvest at least 5 million tonnes of sugar beets. It is absolutely enough to meet the domestic demand and to sell the rest to other countries,” Vladimir Grakun said.

According to the Belarusian state food industry concern Belgospishcheprom, over 111,000 tonnes of sugar is kept at warehouses right now. According to the concern, this is more than enough to last until the new harvest; the rest of the sugar might be sold abroad.

BelTA – News from Belarus