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Alekseyev: Presidents of Belarus and Russia support the basic values of their people

THESSALONIKI, 16 May (BelTA) – The Presidents of Belarus and Russia have been really supporting the fundamental values of the people of their countries, Counselor to the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy, President of the Fund for the Unity of Orthodox Peoples Doctor of Philosophic Sciences Valery Alekseyev told media, BelTA has learned.

“I am grateful to our Presidents that they really support the fundamental values. What is the Orthodoxy for us? It is a basis of our identity. If we lose our faith, we lose our history,” Valery Alekseyev said.

He also stressed that the people that has no history, i.e. the past, has no future. “That is why we see such powerful attacks from the destructive forces. They aim those who make the best to defend their interests,” the official said.

Valery Alekseyev believes that both the Presidents fully understand the goals and tasks before the people of Belarus and Russia.