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Belarus ready for compulsory upper secondary education

All conditions are in place to introduce the compulsory upper secondary education in Belarus, Education Minister Igor Karpenko said at the plenary session of the Nationwide Conference on Teaching on 24 August, BelTA has learned.

The minister stressed that “the country has created all necessary conditions to switch to the compulsory upper secondary education.” “The country needs educated, highly-qualified specialists. The Education Code provides a necessary legislative corridor for such a novelty,” Igor Karpenko said.

The Belarusian society is ready for such a transition. Almost 100% of graduates receive general secondary education in the country today. The transition is possible thanks to the the universal education system, schools of external studies, evening classes and vocational education institutions. “This will be a qualitatively new stage in the development of the system aimed at raising the educational level of citizens. This will have a positive influence on human development and the international image of Belarus,” the minister said.

The transition to the compulsory upper secondary education is being discussed today at the National Forum on Teaching. The forum participants are generally positive about this item in the program of the conceptual approaches to the development of the educational system in the short term (up to 2020) and long-term (up to 2030). They have been developed taking into account the instructions of the president and the suggestions submitted during the public discussion of the new edition of the Code on Education.