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Belarus to develop national infrastructure strategy

MINSK, 11 August (BelTA) – The national infrastructure strategy will be worked out in Belarus. This is envisaged in Council of Ministers’ Resolution No. 611 of 4 August 2016 which has been officially published on the National Legal Internet Portal, BelTA has learned.

The strategy will be prepared by the Belarusian National Agency of Investment and Privatization (NAIP). The project will be coordinated by the Economy Ministry.

The NAIP representatives told BelTA that the strategy will be focused on long-term planning and will determine the priority of implementing infrastructure development projects to ensure their optimal compliance with the demand to use state funds rationally.

“Experts preparing the document will analyze the state’s demand for infrastructure objects as part of the national strategy of sustainable development and national programs,” the NAIP explained. They will also pay attention to the assessment of costs and advantages, distribution of risks for making efficient decisions when choosing a mechanism of implementing infrastructure development projects. Besides, NAIP specialists will take into account possible environmental effects of developing infrastructure objects.

The draft strategy will be submitted to the interagency infrastructure coordination council led by Economy Minister Vladimir Zinovsky for consideration and approval.