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Belarus to present over 200 defense products at Army 2020

MINSK(BelTA) – Belarus will present over 200 defense products during the 6th international defense technology forum Army 2020, BelTA learned from Vladimir Lavrenyuk, spokesman of the State Authority for Military Industry of Belarus.
The Belarusian delegation will include representatives of 17 organizations and companies. The collective stand under the aegis of the State Authority for Military Industry of Belarus has been organized by ZAO BelTechExport.
The stand will be used to represent leading enterprises that belong to the system of the State Authority for Military Industry of Belarus and the Belarusian defense industry: ZAO BelTechExport, the holding company Geoinformation Control Systems (OAO Agat – Control Systems, OAO Agat-System, OAO Agat – Electromechanical Plant, OAO NIIEVM), OAO 558 Aircraft Repair Plant, OAO 140 Repair Plant, OAO Volatavto, GVTUP Belspetsvneshtechnika, the holding company BelOMO, the R&D Center for Multifunctional Unmanned Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, OOO KB Unmanned Helicopters, and OAO MNIPI. A number of other Belarusian companies will have their own stands.
The Belarusian defense companies will bring over 200 samples of defense products to the town of Kubinka, Moscow Oblast. Many of the products will be demonstrated for the first time. Those include the 122mm multiple-launch rocket system Shkval, the satellite communications terminal R-4430, the lightly armored vehicle MZKT-490101-010, the mobile high-frequency radio direction-finding system Volar.
The products on display will be primarily high-tech ones – fire systems, flying drones, including assault drones, a number of combat modules, optic-electronic devices and complexes, automated troop command and control systems, communications and navigation solutions, data processing and display systems for rugged environments, mobility and reconnaissance solutions.
The Belarusian delegation at the forum will be led by Chairman of the State Authority for Military Industry of Belarus Dmitry Pantus.
Army 2020 is one of the largest European defense expos. It is scheduled to take place in the congress and expo center Patriot in Kubinka, Moscow Oblast, Russia on 23-29 August. Over 1,000 Russian and foreign companies have said they will participate in the forum. They will present over 28,000 various defense and security products. Five countries – Belarus, Brazil, India, Kazakhstan, and Pakistan – will arrange national expositions to display the most promising military technology products.
Despite the coronavirus pandemic 72 out of the 133 countries that have been invited have confirmed they will participate in the Army 2020 forum. Ten of them will be represented by high-level delegations (Armenia, Belarus, Brazil, Vietnam, Iran, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Rwanda, CAR, South Ossetia). Belarusian defense companies traditionally take part in the Army forum. Every time they showcase integrated solutions, a broad range of modern and promising equipment and weaponry products based on the R&D potential of the Belarusian defense industry.

Belarus news (BELTA)