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Belarus to trial 5G within three years

MINSK(BelTA) – Belarus will start creating a pilot area for testing 5G cellular communication services within three years. The information was released by Belarusian First Deputy Communications and Informatization Minister Dmitry Shedko during the plenary session of the 14th international forum on information technologies in banking BankIT'2017 on 18 October, BelTA has learned.

“We strongly hope we will get down to deploying a fifth-generation cellular communication test area in Belarus within the next three years as soon as the relevant international standards are passed,” said the official.

Dmitry Shedko reminded that a government program on developing digital economy and information society till 2020 is in progress in Belarus. “There is no doubt that the digital economy will be developed in Belarus. It is inevitable. At present its elements are present in the banking system to a larger extent than, for instance, in the manufacturing sector or agriculture. Nevertheless, everyone will have to walk this path. Today we face one simple task: keep up with the overall development trend and secure a worthy place for Belarus,” stressed Dmitry Shedko.

The first deputy communications and informatization minister noted that the universal adoption of information technologies is one of the most complicated matters in switching the economy to digital rails. Only parts of individual branches of the national economy have done it. “Today the government has to a certain extent create an environmental system for digitizing the economy, primarily the legal environment. In the package of documents on liberalizing business operation terms close attention is paid to digital economy matters. There is one important thing to remember: the digital world is changing very rapidly, the legislation has to keep up. We intend to create an ecosystem that will allow managing processes in real time,” stated Dmitry Shedko. He pointed out two important things Belarus has to improve in order to digitize the economy: personnel qualifications and the creation of a venture financing system.

The 14th international forum on information technologies in banking BankIT'2017 is scheduled to take place in Minsk on 18-20 October. The forum gathered over 1,500 executives and experts working in finance, information technology, and administration from over ten countries. As many as 14 panel sessions will be held, including discussions. Over 60 speakers will present their reports. The topics will primarily include modern requirements for IT platforms in banking, data management, digital interaction with clients, and using the blockchain technology as part of the banking system.

The BankIT forum is Eastern Europe's only specialized event that brings together top managers of banks, IT companies, and other spheres of business as well as representatives of government agencies concerned and information technology development experts. Since 2004 participants of the forum have fruitfully worked together to handle topical tasks and effectively use the opportunities the forum organizers provide. The number of participants grows every year. In 2011 the event attracted over 820 executives and experts in the sphere of finance, information technologies, and administration. In 2016 the number went beyond 1,400 people.