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Lukashenko: Agricultural producers should feel free in marketing their products

MINSK, 27 June (BelTA) - Agricultural producers should feel free in marketing their products, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said during his working trip to Gomel Oblast on 26 June, BelTA has learned.

"Agricultural companies should have the right to sell their product whoever they want to. They should feel free in marketing the product they made," the President stressed.

"Perhaps we need not to be afraid to set them freewheeling. We should try," Alexander Lukashenko said.

During his visit to the Otor and Zvezda farms and talks with the directors of the companies the President was interested in the details of the organization of the production. The two agricultural companies lie within the territory hit by the Chernobyl accident and the lands there are not the most fertile on a national scale. Nevertheless, both Otor and Zvezda demonstrate great performance. The success lies in a high labor discipline and strict observance of milk and meat production technologies. "The technology needs steadfast compliance. There is no need in persuading anybody. If it is necessary we will support the proper performance with the relevant laws," the head of state stressed addressing Agriculture and Food Minister Leonid Zayats.

Measures of state support for agricultural companies were discussed for the implementation of big investment projects. The President believes that concessional loans for the construction of new farms for instance should be given only to such enterprises as Otor, which can use the funds efficiently and return the borrowed funds in time.

Alexander Lukashenko also got familiar with the results of the experiment on year-round housing of farm animals. The technology allows for increasing the annual milk production by 10-12% at least. The head of state instructed the Agriculture and Food Ministry to study the experience to see if it can be adopted by other regions of the country.