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More families with three and more children in Belarus due to family capital program

MINSK (BelTA) – The family capital program has proved efficient in stimulating the birth of third and more children in Belarusian families, Belarus' Deputy Labor and Social Security Minister Alexander Rumak said during a call-in session at the Selskaya Gazeta newspaper, BelTA has learned.


“The family capital program has become a good stimulus for the birthrate in the country. An estimated 17,300 third and subsequent children were born before the launch of the program. Their number went up to 22,200 once the program went operational,” the deputy minister said. The program which will remain in place through 2019 may be extended further.


Alexander Rumak stressed that various options have been put forward to improve this kind of long-term support for large families. One of them is to extend the family capital program onto the second child to stimulate the birth of a second child. One-child families are predominant in Belarus.


Family capital program was launched on 1 January 2015. One-time cashless transfer of $10,000 are given to the families upon the birth of the third and subsequent children. The money can be used to improve housing conditions, get education or other services, including social services and healthcare services, or be deposited to a mother's pension account.


Family capital applications are filed with the local authorities and are examined within one month.


A total of 11,582 deposit accounts were opened in 2015, and 18,983 in 2016.