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National tourism website in Belarus soon

Belarus will create its national tourism Internet portal, Deputy Sport and Tourism Minister Mikhail Portnoy said at the nationwide forum dedicated to the Belarus N tourist program, BelTA has learned.

"The creation of the national tourism website is envisaged in the concept of the state tourism development program for 2016-2020. Unfortunately, Belarus is not quite recognizable in the tourist world. Therefore we envisaged the development of the website in the concept," said Mikhail Portnoy.

"The website will have two main functions. It will be a source of information, creating a positive image of the state and presenting our tourism product in a beautiful package. And we know we have something to offer to potential customers," Mikhail Portnoy added.

Speaking about the Belarus N project, Mikhail Portnoy noted that this project fits well the concept of the state tourism development program for the next five years. "The concept of the program reads that the state will support inbound and domestic tourism. Belarus N is a miniature of our new program of tourism development. Therefore, the Ministry of Sport and Tourism supports this idea and will provide all-round assistance to it," he said.

Under the Belarus N project, more than 540 filling stations of Belorusneft Company will act as information, resource and equipment centers for tourists. The single standard branded service and learning program will be offered to tourists making trips under the Belarus N project.

Belarus N will also have its own website with such options as online booking and payment, rating routes and leisure areas. A mobile application with geolocation feature will be also designed under the project.

Belarus N was launched in May this year. It is carried out by Belorusneft in cooperation with the communication agency Group NEF.