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Three Twinning projects to possibly launch in Belarus in 2020

MINSK(BelTA) – The implementation of three projects within the framework of the European Union's Twinning program may begin in Belarus in 2020, BelTA learned from Head of the Political, Economic, Press and Information Section of the Delegation of the European Union to Belarus Evelina Schulz on 17 December.
An official presentation of the second project that will be implemented in Belarus within the framework of the Twinning program took place in Minsk on 17 December. It will be implemented by the National Cadastral Agency of the State Property Committee in association with colleagues from Netherlands and Spain. Other Belarusian government agencies also show interest in this form of cooperation with the European Union, Evelina Schulz noted. Those include the State Border Committee of Belarus, the Emergencies Ministry, and the National Statistics Committee. According to the European Union representative, these projects are in development. “The year 2020 will be rather fruitful from the point of view of the Twinning program since three projects will be launched at the same time,” she said.
Twinning is a form of cooperation between government agencies in countries of the European Union and their colleagues in countries, which are candidates for European Union membership, and in countries the European Union neighbors on. Twinning projects contribute to the reform of state administration. Recommendations given by civil servants from European Union countries, who work hand in hand with the national administrations in the partner states, are the key to success. As a rule, the programs are implemented within rather short periods of time (1-3 years) and are designed to secure mandatory, previously specified results.