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About 10,000 foreign customers in health resorts of Gomel Oblast in H1 2017


Nearly 10,000 foreigners visited health resorts of the Gomel Oblast in January-June 2017, BelTA learned from the Belarusian national center of health resort treatment and recuperation.

Regional health resorts provided almost Br7.4 million worth of services to citizens of CIS and non-CIS states. Health resorts Pridneprovsky, Chenki, and Serebryanye Klyuchi (Silver Springs) were the major exporters of health services. Another one, Mashinostroitel has been rapidly boosting the export of services (653 vouchers sold to foreign customers in H1 2017, twice as many as during the same period a year prior).

Health resorts have been working to create comfortable conditions for foreign citizens. The price lists contain the costs of vouchers and services in Russian rubles for the sake of customers’ convenience. Health resorts also provide an opportunity to pay for the services via bank account and POS system, and also book a voucher via the website.

The establishments are constantly updating their facilities and equipment, and also expanding the list of services. For instance, the Pridneprovsky health resort has introduced barotherapy, ocular ultrasound, and urodynamic testing. Mashinostroitel has purchased an innovative Aquarol system for hydromassaging feet, hands, ankles, and wrists, which is also designed to treat nerve damage, rheumatism, and help recuperate from joint dislocations, bone fractures, burns, and injuries.

Pensioners, owners of discount cards, regular customers, and large families are eligible for various discounts.

All in all, in H1 2017 health resorts of Gomel Oblast sold 41,371 vouchers. The service revenue amounted to Br28.3 million.