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Belarus among world leaders in healthcare availability


GOMEL, 26 September (BelTA) – Belarus makes it into the world's top three in access to healthcare, First Deputy Healthcare Minister Dmitry Pinevich told BelTA. He is attending a conference of ambulance-situation healthcare workers in Gomel on 25-26 September.

Not long ago Belarus' healthcare system was ranked 42nd of 51 nations assessed by Bloomberg in its annual report Bloomberg Ranking: Most Efficient Health Care 2014. "Belarus in the list goes above many economically developed countries. This information led a lively discussion in our society although it was not a discovery for us, medics. In many areas we take good positions in comparison with many other countries," he noted.

The top three in access to healthcare includes Canada, Brunei and Belarus. The top four in child mortality is made by the Scandinavian countries and Belarus. "In child mortality, our figures are European average if we compare it with the old Europe," the Belarusian official stressed.

Belarus has been recently showing a sustainable reduction in mortality across all categories of the population. "The Healthcare Ministry has been closely cooperating with the country's social organizations in order to improve the demographic situation," Dmitry Pinevich said.