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Belarus-Russia economic ties to grow via interregional cooperation


The main potential for developing economic ties between Belarus and Russia lies with interregional cooperation, BelTA learned from Konstantin Artyushin, a trade commissioner of Russia in Belarus, in Gomel on 16 November.

Konstantin Artyushin met with Gomel Oblast Governor Vladimir Dvornik on 16 November. Konstantin Artyushin said this kind of cooperation allows implementing a large number of local projects of great importance for specific regions.

Russia’s trade commissioner stated that this year the countries have been able to keep up the mutual trade pace. Moreover, in January-September 2015 Belarus’ food export to Russia increased by roughly 30% in terms of physical volume. “Yes, there are some nuances in statistics. If calculated in hard currency, the trade volume has dropped due to changes of the Russian ruble’s exchange rate. However, the figure I’ve quoted says otherwise,” said the expert.

The meeting with the Gomel Oblast administration focused on possibilities for increasing Gomel Oblast food export to Russia as well as the development of manufacturing cooperation in this area. “We’ve talked about expanding and deepening this cooperation. We should work together to implement projects aimed at manufacturing competitive products not only for the markets of Belarus and Russia but, if possible, for other markets,” noted Konstantin Artyushin.

As an example of successful cooperation the joint venture that assembles OAO Gomselmash harvesters in Russian Bryansk was mentioned. “We have thoroughly examined the joint venture, including from the point of view of further manufacturing cooperation,” said the trade commissioner. The conversation with the Gomel Oblast administration also raised the matter of helping Belarusian and Russian manufacturers find business partners.