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Belarusian-Chinese applied science seminar in progress in Gomel

 GOMEL, 11 June (BelTA) – A Belarusian-Chinese applied science seminar is taking place in the Gomel State University on 11-13 June, the university’s Rector Sergei Khakhomov told BelTA.
Researchers from Gomel, the Nanjing University of Science and Technology, the Jiangnan University (the city of Wuxi), and the Taiyuan University of Technology will present results of their scientific work. Participants of the seminar are expected to analyze proposals on commercializing R&D results and their use by Belarusian and Chinese industrial companies. The specialists will also determine topical and most promising avenues for advancing cooperation in science.
The scientific program of the seminar includes reports on fundamental and applied aspects of modern materials sciences, physical and chemical qualities of nano and metamaterials, researches on the structure and qualities of nanocomposite coatings, and technologies for working various materials.
Sergei Khakhomov underlined that Belarusian and Chinese scientists have a lot of areas for cooperation. Researches in the area of physics and chemistry, the creation of new materials represent serious scientific potential. Belarusian-Chinese labs are already working in these fields. The rector reminded that a Belarusian-Chinese scientific lab on vacuum and plasma technologies was opened at premises of the Nanjing University of Science and Technology in 2013. A similar joint lab had been created in the Gomel State University the year before. Scientists from Gomel and their Chinese colleagues have already come up with a number of results, which are being converted into commercial products. The number includes a vacuum technology for coating medical products with antibacterial films.
The reports to be made during the seminar will be published in the applied science journal Problems of Physics, Math, and Technology.
Members of the Chinese delegation are also expected to visit the university’s labs specializing on wave process physics, physical chemistry and technologies for macro and nanosized systems. Apart from that, the Chinese guests are expected to visit a number of local places of interest such as the Gomel palace and park complex, the Vetka museum of old beliefs and Belarusian traditions.
The seminar has been organized by the Gomel State University, the Nanjing University of Science and Technology, and the Confucius Institute under the Gomel State University.