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Belarusian grain harvester demonstrates exemplary performance in Russia’s Rostov Oblast

GOMEL, 21 September (BelTA) – A Belarusian harvester KZS-1218 has demonstrated the maximum yield of cereals in Russia’s Rostov Oblast this season, BelTA learned from Vasily Kozlov, Deputy Director of the Regional Sales Department at the Belarusian mechanical engineering company Gomselmash. The executive took part in the ceremony held to honor the best agricultural machinery operators in Rostov Oblast. According to the source, the Gomselmash harvester gathered in over 4,500 tonnes of grain in Rostov Oblast this harvesting season. The harvester also demonstrated the best daily yield — 214 tonnes. According to Gomselmash, producing 4,500 tonnes of grain per season is a record for the KZS-1218 harvester, too. In Belarus the harvester’s top record stands close to 2,500 tonnes. Soils are more fertile in this southern region of Russia, with yield as large as 90 centners per hectare in many fields. The fields are also larger. There was 2.9 million hectares of land under cereals in Rostov Oblast this year. The KZS-1218 harvester is not the most powerful model in Gomselmash’s grain harvester lineup. The company already makes KZS-1624-1 harvesters, which productivity is about 25% higher.