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Call for tighter cooperation between Gomel Oblast, Russia’s Bryansk Oblast


GOMEL, 3 April (BelTA) – Cooperation between Gomel Oblast and Russia's Bryansk Oblast should be advanced for the sake of residents of the two oblasts. The opinion was voiced by Vladimir Popkov, chairman of the Bryansk Oblast parliament, who led the Bryansk Oblast delegation during events held in Gomel on 2 April to celebrate the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia, BelTA has learned.

In 2014 trade turnover between Bryansk Oblast and Belarus totaled $800 million. Gomel Oblast accounted for about 40% of the figure. "It means that the two neighboring oblasts are connected by long-term and solid ties in various spheres, including economy. However, now is a good time for Gomel Oblast and Bryansk Oblast to step up their interaction, primarily for the sake of residents of both regions," said Vladimir Popkov.

The joint venture Bryanskselmash makes a significant contribution to the development of Bryansk Oblast. The Belarusian agricultural mechanical engineering company Gomselmash is a co-founder and the key shareholder in the joint venture. Gomel Oblast enterprises supply meat and dairy products to Bryansk Oblast as well as concrete and cement products, paper, pasteboard, glass and buy ferrous metals, salt, sulfur, stone, electric machines and equipment.

The bilateral ties penetrate virtually all spheres of life including education, science, culture, and tourism. Gomel Oblast and Bryansk Oblast are co-founders of the festival that takes place near the Friendship Monument at the border of Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine every year. For the sake of developing the sphere of education a Russian-Belarusian academic excellence competition in the Russian language and math was held in the town of Surazh in 2014. The 12th international festival Slavonic Theatrical Meetings was an important event in the cultural life of the two oblasts in 2014.

A solemn meeting and a festive concert timed to the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia took place in the Gomel Oblast Drama Theater on 2 April. Taking part in the event were representatives of the Gomel Oblast administration, the Bryansk Oblast delegation, representatives of labor collectives, the intellectual community, university students, Great Patriotic War veterans and labor veterans. Individual performers and creative collectives from Gomel Oblast and Bryansk Oblast presented their concert numbers before the public.