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Diplomats to visit Chernobyl-affected areas in Belarus


MINSK(BelTA) – Belarus' Emergencies Ministry in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme office in Belarus, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will organize a visit of representatives of the diplomatic corps to the areas worst hit by the Chernobyl disaster in Belarus on 13 September, BelTA learned from the Chernobyl department at the Emergencies Ministry.

“The diplomats will visit Khoiniki District and the Polesye State Radiation-Ecological Reserve (Gomel Oblast) to get acquainted with the Chernobyl issues, the activities of the state to mitigate the impact of the disaster and the economic potential of the affected areas,” the department said.

Besides, the United Nations Development Programme office in Belarus will organize a visit to Bragin District (Gomel Oblast) on 14 September. The diplomats will get familiar with the initiatives to promote development at the local level implemented with the support of the international community and attend a roundtable meeting to discuss further social and economic development of the affected areas.