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Diverse program for Days of Spiritual Culture of Russia in Belarus


MOSCOW, 24 June (BelTA) – The program for the Days of Spiritual Culture of Russia in Belarus that are due to take place on 25 June-2 July will be rich, unusual and diverse, Deputy Culture Minister of Russia Alla Manilova told BelTA.

The official opening ceremony of the Days in the House of Moscow in Minsk will be followed by a concert of the girls' choir Otrada of St. Nicholas Convent. "It is not just a choir of teenagers. It has represented Russia in 30 countries. For instance, the choir is very popular in Vienna, one of the European capitals of culture. The main Austrian federal choir of boys is their partner. They give joint concerts. The choir Otrada performs church music and is part of every Days of Spiritual Culture of Russia in other countries," Alla Manilova said.

On 27 June Loyev, Gomel Oblast will host the international festival Slavic Unity 2015. Russia will be represented by Bryansk Oblast at this forum that traditionally takes place at the border of the Slavic countries in late June.

On 28 June the Belarusian State Philharmonics will host a concert of the orchestra of national instruments and soloists Terema. "Terem Quartet was known worldwide. It presented the Russian art on all continents. Today it is a big orchestra that demonstrates various genres and national cultures. The orchestra will give a huge bright show based on national traditions of various nations," the deputy minister said.

On 30 June the House of Moscow will host a concert of the youth chamber orchestra Grad Quartet. It is an orchestra from Saint Petersburg. It comprises young talented graduates of Saint Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts. The quartet has already toured many countries and is a regular participant of youth music festivals.

Alla Manilova also pointed to a forthcoming concert of outstanding soloist of the Mariinsky Theater People's Artist of Russia Vasily Gerello. He gives concerts, sings opera, romances and war songs. Vasily Gerello will give his concert at the Belarusian State Philharmonics on 30 June.

"We could not but bring Russia's greatest choir to Belarus. It is the choir of the Saint Petersburg State Academic Capella directed by outstanding figure of art People's Artist of the USSR Vladislav Chernushenko. It is the Russian oldest choir. The choir will give a big concert in Mogilev on 1 July and will take part on Russia's behalf in the Choral Meeting in Minsk on 2 July," Alla Manilova said.

Apart from that, Brest and Minsk will play host to the screening of the films Unknown War, They Fought for the Motherland, Eternal Garrison and others. The program will also include the festival Slavic Unity, the exhibition Russia's Soul and other events.

Новости Беларуси (БЕЛТА)