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Economic relations between Belarus, Russia's Kirov Oblast to be discussed on 19-20 December


GOMEL (BelTA) – The joint working group on the development of cooperation between Belarus and Russia's Kirov Oblast will convene for a meeting in the Russian region on 19-20 December, Alevtina Saranchuk, the head of the foreign economy department at the Economy Committee of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee, told reporters in Gomel on 16 December, BelTA has learned.
The Belarusian delegation will be headed by Gomel Oblast Governor Gennady Solovei. The Gomel Regional Executive Committee is in charge of the development of cooperation between Belarus and Kirov Oblast of Russia, Alevtina Saranchuk noted.
“The participants of the meeting will discuss the prospects for the development of trade, economic and humanitarian relations, mutual supplies of engineering goods, and agricultural products,” she said. Following the meeting, the parties will sign a protocol on further cooperation. Pre-contract intentions of enterprises, inter-university agreements are also expected to be signed at the meeting
The program of the Belarusian delegation's visit also features meetings between the Vyatsk chamber of commerce and industry and the Gomel Office of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, B2B talks between enterprises.
In addition, the Belarusian delegation will get familiar with the best practices of industrial and agricultural enterprises in Kirov Oblast. The inter-university cooperation will be discussed during the thematic roundtable. The program also includes a working meeting between the sport and tourism department of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee and the Center for Tourism Development of Kirov Oblast, travel companies.
In January-October 2019, the trade between Belarus and Kirov Oblast of Russia amounted to $62.9 million, which was up by 20%, Alevtina Saranchuk noted. Export totaled $11.7 million, import exceeded $51 million. Enterprises from Gomel region exported $2.5 million worth of goods to Kirov Oblast in January-October.
During the period under review major exports were steel products, plastic packaging, and goods made of cement, concrete, artificial stone. Major imports were chemicals, metal structures, various vehicles and equipment. “The increase in trade was mainly due to import and that is a cause for concern,” she said.
She recalled that the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee and the government of Kirov Oblast, the Gomel Regional Council of Deputies and the Legislative Assembly of the Russian region signed agreements on cooperation at the fifth Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia in October 2018.