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Gomel craftsmen bring home awards from international textile toy competition


GOMEL (BelTA) – Gomel craftsmen brought home awards from the international textile doll and toy competition. The winners were announced at the Craft Bazaar exhibition in St Petersburg, Russia, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Guild of Craftsmen.

The handiwork competition and an exhibition fair gathered dozens of craftsmen from Russia, Estonia, and Belarus. The exposition featured interior and household items, toys, attire, designer clothes and accessories. Belarus was represented by 20 craftsmen.

The Gomel craftsmen won four awards. The Grand Prix of the textile doll and toy competition went to Tatyana Gromyko's composition Around the World. The second-place award was taken by Natalya Reshetnik in the Folk Doll nomination for her work Blessing, and also Anna Krivenkova-Galygina in the Playing Doll nomination for her works Pugacheva and Floweret. The third-class diploma in the Folk Doll nomination went to Anzhelika Khimakova for her talisman Three Sisters.

“The participation in the contest and the exposition provided Belarusian craftsmen with an opportunity to show themselves at the international level and get familiar with craftsmen from other countries. Such events inspire and encourage to experiments and self-improvement,” the Belarusian Guild of Craftsmen said.