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Gomel Economic Forum to net over ten investment contracts


GOMEL, 8 May (BelTA) – More than ten investment contracts and protocols of intent are supposed to be signed at the forthcoming Gomel Economic Forum. The event will take place on 16 May, BelTA learned from Oxana Korniyenko, Head of the Industry, Research and Innovations Office of the Economy Committee of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee.

The documents will be signed by Gomel Oblast Governor Vladimir Dvornik and representatives of businesses from Germany, Croatia, Netherlands, Austria, Ukraine, and some other countries. “We are now in touch with foreign investors to clarify some technical things. After that we will declare an approximate value of the projects, which are supposed to be implemented in the region. I can say already that the figure will be very impressive,” noted the official.

The 11th Gomel Economic Forum is now the largest event of the kind held in Belarus’ regions. Over 20 participants from 20 countries have already confirmed their participation in the forum. Representatives of embassies of foreign nations accredited in Belarus are expected to attend the forum. The number includes embassies of Bulgaria, Vietnam, Czechia, Latvia, Georgia, Venezuela, and Slovakia. Delegations from Russia’s Bryansk Oblast, Kursk Oblast, Lipetsk Oblast, Oryol Oblast, and the Southwestern Administrative District of Moscow are expected to arrive as well as delegations from Kazakhstan’s Atyrau Oblast, Almaty Oblast, and Armenia’s Armavir Oblast.

Apart from the plenary session that will gather all the participants of the forum panel sessions will be held, too. This year investors are invited to take part in panel sessions on agribusiness, civil engineering, housing and utilities, logistics and trade, tourism and the social and economic development of territories, small and medium business, development conditions of business initiatives.

Новости Беларуси (БЕЛТА)