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Gomel Oblast, Italy’s Parma sign cooperation agreement

GOMEL, 17 July (BelTA) – Gomel Oblast and Parma Province, Italy have signed an agreement on trade, economic, sci-tech and humanitarian cooperation, BelTA learnt from the press service of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee. The document was signed during the visit of the Gomel delegation to Italy on 14-15 July as part of Gomel Oblast Days at Milano EXPO 2015. Gomel Oblast Governor Vladimir Dvornik who led the delegation noted in his speech at Parma City Hall: “Our meeting opens prospects for further mutually beneficial cooperation both in humanitarian and economic areas. I am confident that Gomel Oblast and Italy will continue gaining mutually beneficial experience in business cooperation.” While in Parma, the Belarusian delegation visited companies producing parmesan cheese and prosciutto ham. Prosciutto producers voiced an intention to visit Belarus this year. Vladimir Dvornik invited them to visit the Gomel region any time. Parma Province is one of Italy’s most active regions in hosting the Belarusian children for rehabilitation from Gomel Oblast which was hit the worst by the Chernobyl accident. In autumn 2014 Parma signed an agreement on cooperation in the social, economic and tourism sectors with five districts of Gomel Oblast. Belarusian and Italian farmers enjoy truly business relations as well. Under the memorandum of understanding with the Italian association of animal breeders, specialists of Korma and Chechersk districts and OAO Milkavita got a chance to study fetal calf transplanting experience in Italy. The Belarusian region arranged the Days of Gomel Oblast at Milano Expo 2015 (14-15 July) to present the trade and economic potential, investment and tourist opportunities, establish mutually beneficial business contacts with Italian firms and companies from countries. The Universal Exposition is the biggest international platform to demonstrate technical and technological solutions. It was held in 1851 for the first time. The theme chosen for the 2015 Milano Universal Exposition is Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life. This embraces technology, innovation, culture, traditions and creativity and how they relate to food and diet. Taking part in the Milano Expo are over 40 countries, ten international organizations and 30 corporations. Fifty-six countries have arranged their National Pavilions, including Belarus.