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Gomel to host international festival of fire theaters on 20 September


GOMEL, 19 September (BelTA) – The fifth international festival of fire theaters will take place in Gomel during the City Day celebrations on 20 September. It will be the culmination of the festivities in the oblast capital, BelTA learned from the organization committee.

Taking part in the fire show this year will be teams from Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia. The audience will be offered a breathtaking show that will combine comedy, circus stunts and theatrical performances. Taking part in the show will be the world famous fakirs.

The novelty of this year's festival will be a street art-house fire show. The spectators will see performances of street theaters and attend master classes. Mimes, clowns and popular local bands will entertain the public.

The festival is organized by the 107.4 FM radio channel and the First City TV Channel with the assistance of the Gomel City Executive Committee. The major objective of the festival is to promote the new type of art among the youth, to expand and strengthen interregional cooperation.

Gomel will celebrate the City Day on 19-20 September. Local residents and tourists will be offered a diverse entertainment program that includes concerts of Russian and Belarusian pop stars, ethnic stands, arts and crafts fair and many more.