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Half of areas under spring crops planted in Belarus


More than half of the areas designated for spring sowing have been planted in Belarus, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Agriculture and Food Ministry.

As of 5 May, early spring crops (excluding corn, buckwheat and millet) were planted on the area of 639,900 hectares – 99.3% of the designated area. Planting was done on 68.2% of the area in Mogilev Oblast. Planting in Brest Oblast, Vitebsk Oblast, Minsk Oblast, Grodno Oblast and Gomel Oblast was completed.

All in all, spring planting in Belarus was completed on the area of 1,214,700 hectares, or 54.7% of the total. Brest Oblast completed planting works on 70.2% of the planned area, Vitebsk Oblast – 53.1%, Gomel Oblast – 42.8%, Grodno Oblast – 71.5%, Minsk Oblast – 56.1%, and Mogilev Oblast – 33.8%. Belarusian agricultural workers also continue planting colza (31,600 hectares, or 51.8% of the plan), flax (30,500 hectares, or 61.5%), sugar beet (78,300 hectares, or 79.5%), annual grasses (100,100 hectares, or 37.6%), vegetables (2,360 hectares, or 38.1%). Potatoes were planted on 7,920 hectares, or 38.5% of the target, maize – on 317,600 hectares, or 30%.

A total of 1,471,800 hectares of soil (66.2% of the plan) was prepared for sowing spring crops. This year, these crops will be planted on the area of 2,221,900 hectares.

BelTA – News from Belarus