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IOM to help install vehicle scanner in Belarusian-Ukrainian border checkpoint Novaya Guta


MINSK, (BelTA) – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) will participate in a project, which envisages the installation of a stationary x-ray vehicle scanner in the Belarusian-Ukrainian border checkpoint Novaya Guta, representatives of the State Customs Committee told BelTA.
The IOM is also expected to participate in a project, which provides for developing a mobile app to assist travelers with crossing the state border. The State Customs Committee of Belarus is the leading beneficiary in these projects. These projects have already been approved and agreed with the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine.
The effective implementation of international technical aid projects was discussed as Chairman of the State Customs Committee of Belarus Yuri Senko met with Chief of the IOM Mission in Belarus Zeynal Hajiev on 8 October. The sides summed up results of productive cooperation between the organization and Belarus' Customs. In particular, the project, which provides for deploying a smart automated video control system in the Belarusian-Ukrainian border checkpoint Novaya Guta – Novyye Yarylovichi is nearing completion. The project was launched in 2017. Belarus' Customs is the leading beneficiary. The IOM mission in Belarus is the performing organization. The project is being implemented in association with the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine. The European Union's contribution amounted to about €0.4 million.
The IOM mission in Belarus has also helped create an electronic system of pre-arrival information exchange between the customs authorities of Belarus and Ukraine (PRINEX). The system went online in the border checkpoint Novaya Guta in 2015. The total budget of the project for Belarus was close to €2 million, including €1.8 million granted as European funding.