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Kochanova: No social program has been curtailed in Belarus amid sanctions

No social program has been curtailed in Belarus because of the sanctions pressure, Chairperson of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus Natalya Kochanova said as she met with the academic staff and students of Gomel State Medical University on 16 October, BelTA has learned.

The two-hour conversation touched upon a lot of topical issues both on the nationwide scale and concerning the interests of ambitious and purposeful young people.

The meeting also highlighted the topic of sanctions pressure, under which Belarusian enterprises and organizations have not just survived, but continued their development.

“The situation is complicated. But our people have not felt this sanctions pressure. You continue your studies as usual. No social program has been curtailed. The state fulfills all its obligations,” Natalya Kochanova said.

The speaker emphasized that the state fulfilled all its social obligations, including benefits for families raising children, pensions, support in addressing housing issues, and benefits for low-income families.

“We see that the state is doing a lot and will continue to take measures. It should be understood that the state gives the main directions, and it is up to a person to make decisions where to study, how to provide for his/her family, where to live and work. We should work to create benefits for both ourselves and our country. Young people should make friends and cooperate in order to know the problems of other countries and also the current trends in the development of our country,” Natalya Kochanova said.

The participants in the meeting also talked about the primary tasks on a national scale. The chairperson of the Council of the Republic reminded the audience of the words of the head of state regarding Belarus' sovereignty and peacekeeping efforts.

“Winning sovereignty, as our president says, is not as difficult as preserving it. The task for the country's top officials, the Security Council, the President and our people is to preserve peace and tranquility. This depends on you, as well,” she said addressing the students.

BelTA – News from Belarus