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Number of passengers carried by Belavia up 27.6% in June 2014


In June, the national air company Belavia carried more than 250,700 passengers, up 27.6% over June of last year, BelTA learnt from the Belavia press service.

"The number of passengers carried out by Belavia in June was a record high for the air company,” the press service said.

In January-June this year the Belarusian airline carried about 773,300 passengers, up 20.1% as compared to the same period last year. Over the period Belavia transported 12.5% more freight and mail as against the same period a year ago.

When speaking about the events important for the Belarusian company that occurred in the past month, the press service highlighted the signing of the agreement with Boeing on the first direct purchase of three Boeings 737-800 Next-Generation. In early June, the airline began domestic flights between Minsk and Gomel.

Belavia is Belarus' biggest air carrier, including in cargo transportation. It operates 26 aircrafts, In January 2014 the Belarusian airline acquired a legal status of an open joint stock company. It is based in Minsk International Airport and offers regular flights to 40 destinations in Europe and Asia. Belavia's services meet the highest international safety standards.

Новости Беларуси (БЕЛТА)