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Opinion: Memory of Great Patriotic War is sacred for Belarus, Russia

For Belarus and Russia, the memory of the Great Patriotic War is sacred, the head of the representative office of the Standing Committee of the Union State of Belarus and Russia in Minsk Marianna Shchetkina said at an event to welcome the Victory Train exhibition project at the Minsk-Passazhirsky train station in Minsk on 11 June, BelTA has learned.

“The memory of the Great Patriotic War is sacred for both Belarus and Russia. Soviet writer Fyodor Abramov once said: ‘A nation dies out when it becomes a population. It becomes a population when it forgets its history'. Indeed, it is very important to understand what feat the Soviet people accomplished," said Marianna Shchetkina. “76 years have passed since the end of the war. Generations have come and gone, with the baton of remembrance now in the hands of young people.”

According to her, the youth policy of the Union State is aimed primarily at promoting traditional values, spiritual, moral and patriotic education. “The Union State has gained a good experience in exchanging best practices. The Union State has a great future. For this future to come we need unity of our peoples, mutually beneficial fruitful cooperation,” Marianna Shchetkina noted.
