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Polish politician names areas for cooperation with Belarus in agriculture

Farmers of Belarus and Poland have opportunities for cooperation, Krzysztof Tołwiński, head of a farm in Poland and chairman of the political party Front, told the media on the sidelines of the Business Days in Gomel international forum, BelTA has learned.

According to Krzysztof Tołwiński, the two countries have differences in agriculture. “In Poland farms have 100-200 hectares of land while in Belarus farms possess thousands of hectares. Poland's policy in agriculture is based on the fact that the owner of an agricultural enterprise is a family, and there are no other employees. Collective farming is more developed in Belarus,” he said.

However, despite the difference in the number of workers or the amount of cultivated area, the technology of land cultivation is the same. Therefore, machinery is the number one issue.

According to the head of the farm, Poland does not have its own machine-building agricultural industry today. “It is not economically profitable because of high prices for energy and resources,” he said.

“Therefore, Poland is interested in buying Belarusian machinery. Your biotechnologies and fertilizers are also very good. All this is possible if only the sanctions policy is changed,” Krzysztof Tołwiński said.

While in Gomel, the head of the farm plans to visit a number of enterprises, including Gomelagrokomplekt and Gomselmash.

Among the participants of the Business Days in Gomel forum are representatives of Belarus and ten countries in online and in-person formats. Traditionally, the forum is organized by the Gomel office of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry together with the Gomel Oblast Union of Employers with the support of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee and the Gomel City Hall.

BelTA – News from Belarus