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Rechitsa chooses ‘Lord of Village'


Participants of the competition Nazar and Yelisei Yarmolchik
Participants of the competition Nazar and Yelisei Yarmolchik

A regional round of the national agricultural project the Lord of the Village was held in the city of Rechitsa on 21 September. Ten young families competed for the title of the Best Family in the District. The competition reflected the Belarusian national character. It was organized by the Gomel Oblast Committee of the BRSM Youth Union and the Main Department for Ideology, Culture, and Youth Affairs of the Gomel regional administration. The project has been held since 2008 on the initiative of the BRSM Youth Union


Photos by Sergei Kholodilin


Competition for the best farmstead
Competition for the best farmstead
Marina Yarmolchik with daughter Olya
Marina Yarmolchik with daughter Olya
Mikhail and Marina Yarmolchik with children
Mikhail and Marina Yarmolchik with children
Participant of the competition Kseniya Khramnkova from Rogachev District
Participant of the competition Kseniya Khramnkova from Rogachev District
Chairman of the jury (center) Sergei Shmarlovsky
Chairman of the jury (center) Sergei Shmarlovsky
Today we Celebrate competition
Today we Celebrate competition
Family relay race
Family relay race
Pavel and Yelena Dashkevich with daughter Sofiya
Pavel and Yelena Dashkevich with daughter Sofiya