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Ukrainian company to set up granite processing plant in Rogachev


GOMEL, 29 May (BelTA) – The Ukrainian company PlasmaTec will set up a granite processing plant in Rogachev, BelTA learned from PlasmaTec Executive Director Yuri Omelchuk.

The total sum needed to put the enterprise into operation will make up some $2 million. "We have already built the production facilities and started the installation of the equipment. According to the schedule, all the preparation works should be finished by the end of this year. We will have the first batch of products in 1Q 2016," Yuri Omelchuk noted.

The plant will provide different types of services such as development, design, production, packing, and installation of granite products. "The company owns a granite mine in Ukraine, so raw materials will not be a problem. The company Rogachevgasstroi will be packing and installing the products. As many as 40 new jobs will be created," Yuri Omelchuk explained.

PlasmaTec already successfully operates in Belarus in a different area. In 2011 it became the owner of Svetlogorsk Plant of Welding Electrodes that currently accounts for 30% of the domestic market of electrodes. The new equipment and technologies helped the plant increase its output almost 50 times over the last four years. Another production facility with the area of 2,000 square meters will be commissioned in the near future. "I can continue speaking about the results of our work in Belarus and our plans for the future, but I believe this is not the main thing. We feel very comfortable here," Yuri Omelchuk said.