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Belagro 2022 expo kicks off in Great Stone Industrial Park


The official ceremony to open the international exhibition Belagro 2022 will take place in the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone on 7 June, BelTA has learned.

The agricultural forum traditionally brings together not only Belarusian farmers and workers of the food and processing industry but also their foreign counterparts and partners. This year more than 400 companies from different countries, including Belarus, China, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and others are taking part in the exhibition. The expo will feature a large number of participants from Russia - more than 30 regions and 16 individual stands.

Collective expositions will be offered by the Agriculture and Food Ministry, Industry Ministry, National Academy of Sciences, Belgospishcheprom and Belcoopsoyuz. The exposition will be supplemented by the exhibitions Belfarm (the latest achievements in cattle breeding) and Belproduct (food products).

Belagro will become a platform for business negotiations. The exhibition program will include B2B meetings, debates, conferences, demonstrations and contests.

A free shuttle service will be offered during the exhibition days (7-11 June) from the metro station Mogilevskaya and back. It is also possible to get to the exhibition by city and intercity buses.

BelTA – News from Belarus