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Belarus committed to international human rights agreements


MINSK, 19 April (BelTA) - Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei met with UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet during a working visit to Switzerland on 19 April. The minister noted that Belarus is committed to the fundamental principles of international law enshrined in the UN Charter and to the international agreements on human rights, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"Vladimir Makei informed Michelle Bachelet about the national context of searching for a national balance of interests in the closely intersecting areas of national security, sustainable development and human rights. The High Commissioner was briefed on the situation in the country after the 2020 presidential elections and the country's future plans to improve the political system through constitutional reform," the press service said.

For her part, Michelle Bachelet outlined the approaches of her office to cooperation with Belarus and called on the Belarusian government to use OHCHR's expertise to develop the political system in part of human rights. "The minister expressed regret at the politicization of the mandate of the High Commissioner in light of the recent decisions by the UN Human Rights Council and stressed that Belarus will never agree to interference in its internal affairs by third states or international organizations," the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.