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Belarus' Council of Ministers work schedule for H1 2023 approved


A plan to guide the work of the Council of Ministers and the Presidium of the Council of Ministers in H1 2023 has been approved by the government's resolution No.976 of 30 December 2022, BelTA has learned.

Council of Ministers sessions will be held to review results of Belarus' social and economic development in 2022 and in Q1 2023.

The Council of Ministers Presidium will convene to discuss the employment of citizens and earnings of individuals that are hidden from taxation, counteraction of the illegal turnover of narcotics, progress of realization of the main promising projects by organizations run by the Industry Ministry, a strategy on developing the petrochemical complex till 2030.

The readiness of agricultural enterprises for spring field work in 2023 will be discussed as well as results of providing state support to the agricultural enterprises in 2022. The fulfillment of conditions for providing state support will be reviewed.

The central government will examine the spending of money of innovative funds in 2022 and the implementation of government programs (subprograms), including their effectiveness.

The Council of Ministers Presidium will also have to discuss the conceptual framework of the Belarus social and economic development forecast for 2024 and for the period till 2026, directions of Belarus' budget and finance policy and tax policy for 2024 and for the medium-term period.

BelTA – News from Belarus