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Belarus sets up educational, scientific and production technological cluster


MINSK, 10 January (BelTA) – The Belarusian State Technological University, the Mogilev State University of Food Technologies and the Vitebsk State Technological University signed an agreement to set up a joint educational, scientific and production technological cluster, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian State Technological University.


The main objective of setting up the cluster is to develop innovative approaches to technological education and ensuring the practical use of these approaches in training the engineering personnel. At the same time, the cluster members retain their legal independence.


Extensive cooperation between universities is envisaged as part of the project to boost academic mobility of participants in the educational process based on the integration of resources of educational institutions, joint activities to share experience and results of work in the innovation, scientific, technical and educational fields. It will be possible to use the material, technical, information and educational resources of the cluster to further enhance innovative technologies and resources within the educational process, and also to implement international research projects and grants in various sources of funding in areas of mutual interest. The cluster will carry out fundamental and applied research in the innovative, scientific, technical and educational areas, including patent activities and technology transfer, scientific and methodological support of projects and expert activities. Joint educational programs will be implemented to train highly qualified personnel and provide additional education to adults.


Joint events will include symposiums, seminars, conferences, panel sessions, refresher courses and professional retraining, master classes, on-the-job training, joint research projects and networked (modular) training of students as part of programs of higher education.


As for the first steps of cooperation, a working group will be set up to work out proposals for the establishment of a joint industry research and production laboratory for polymer composite materials. In addition to universities, it will include OAO Grodno-Azot, OAO Migilevkhimvolokno and a number of other chemical enterprises. In the education area, measures will be taken to develop joint Bachelor's and master's programs in automation, machines and devices, petrochemicals, biotechnologies, information technologies, design and other areas. The cluster plans to develop cooperation with Rusnano Corporation in the organization of refresher courses in nanomaterials.