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Belarusian confectionery factory branches out into Kazakhstan market


NAROVLYA (BelTA) - Gomel Oblast Governor Gennady Solovei met with the staff of the Krasny Mozyryanin confectionery factory, BelTA has learned. This year the Krasny Mozyryanin confectionery factory has branched out into the market of Kazakhstan. “We supply almost the entire line-up to that country: zefir, marmalade, toffee, pastille, and candy,” said Vasily Karavayev, a senior expert for foreign trade. “We have made four shipments already. The partners intend to increase the volumes," he said.
In general, the confectionery factory exports a third of its output. Candies from Narovlya are known in Russia, Ukraine, USA, Azerbaijan, Georgia.
“Krasny Mozyryanin is continuously refreshing its product line. If possible, we are trying to avoid sugar and use icing powder instead. We are already manufacturing the new products with this ingredient,” said the head of the technology department Olga Sazanchuk.
Gennady Solovei noted that there are cheaper similar products on the Belarusian market, but Narovlya candies are of high quality, organic, and are highly appreciated by customers.
“The company must work efficiently and grow. You make high-quality products that are familiar to many since childhood. These are signature products. It is important for the factory to preserve its traditions,” the governor said. He also urged the factory to expand the network of its stores.
Gennady Solovei noted that in general the region has been developing steadily and dynamically. All kinds of support are provided to the districts affected by the Chernobyl disaster such as Narovlya District, Khoiniki District, and Bragin District. Every year considerable financial support is earmarked for the districts to develop agriculture, social services, economy. Large financial resources are invested in water supply, gas supply and infrastructure.
New facilities, including manufacturing ones, are set up in the districts. Gennady Solovei cited a farm of the agricultural company Zarya in the village of Zavoiti as an example. The farm, which started operating not long ago, has been showing good results.
“Chernobyl programs will be continued,” the governor said.
Speaking about the performance of Gomel Oblast in 2020, Gennady Solovei said that the region has slowed down in terms of several positions this year. “We have lost some markets due to the coronavirus epidemic,” he said.
The meeting also highlighted issues related to the development of healthcare in the region. The governor spoke about important facilities which either have been restored already or are to be upgraded in the near future.
The workers of the confectionery factory asked the governor different questions, in particular about the projects and events as part of the Year of Native Land. “This is, first of all, landscaping projects. Villages and some sites need attention,” the governor said. He also wants closer attention on war memorials. “We have set up a memorial at the site of the village Ola, which was burned down during the war. Enterprises and organizations as well as ordinary people participated in this large-scale project. This is our history, which should be preserved,” said the governor.
People also asked about the prospects for upgrading the Mozyr-Narovlya road. “The shortest way to travel from Minsk to Kiev is through this place. This is a promising direction,” Gennady Solovei said.
“Such meetings are very informative and interesting. We have learned a lot about the development of the district and Gomel Oblast,” accountant of the company Valentina Kozlova said.

Belarus news (BELTA)