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Cui Qiming: China will continue maintaining momentum in cooperation with Belarus


MINSK, 27 September (BelTA) – China is ready to continue maintaining momentum in cooperation with Belarus, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of China to Belarus Cui Qiming said at a function held on 26 September to mark the 68th anniversary of the establishment of the People's Republic of China, BelTA has learned. 

The head of the diplomatic mission believes that China and Belarus are really close friends and sincere partners, who are ready to help each other. According to him, the China-Belarus bilateral exchanges and cooperation have reached the best period in history, at a time when bilateral relations are advancing to a higher level. 

The two countries are celebrating 25 years of diplomatic relations this year. "Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the Chinese-Belarusian relations have been steadily developing. Last year the two heads of state decided to raise bilateral relations onto a new level of trust-based all-round strategic partnership and mutually beneficial cooperation. Thus, the Chinese-Belarusian relations have entered a new stage of development," said Cui Qiming. 

The ambassador views as importance that Belarus and China regularly exchange visits at a high level, firmly support each other on issues affecting key mutual interests. Pragmatic cooperation demonstrates positive comprehensive multilevel development. The two states maintain close cooperation on international and regional issues. 

In April 2017, member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Zhang Dejiang paid an official friendly visit to Belarus. In May 2017, at the invitation of President Xi Jinping, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko took part in the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, on the margins of which the heads of state reached new important agreements on expanding relations between Belarus and China. 

"Looking into the future, we are full of confidence in the successful development of China-Belarus comprehensive strategic partnership. China is ready to continue deepening the bilateral relations with Belarus, to maintain momentum in the bilateral ties and the possibility of the implementation of the Belt and Road initiative, to pour in new strength into the development of China-Belarus relations for the benefit of the two peoples,” said Cui Qiming.