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Forty-three Belarusian enterprises earmarked for privatization in 2018


MINSK, 20 February (BelTA) – As many as 43 Belarusian enterprises have been earmarked for privatization in 2018, BelTA learned from Chairman of the State Property Committee of Belarus Andrei Gayev on 20 February.


According to the source, a working list of such enterprises is compiled every year in association with ministries. A renewed list featuring 43 joint-stock companies and unitary enterprises has been prepared this year. Some of the names were inherited from the previous list while 34 joint-stock companies are new ones. “We are in negotiations with the private sector over the list. Any enterprise can be sold if there is a wish,” said Andrei Gayev.


Asked why such lists are necessary, the official noted that international rating agencies treat such lists as a formal possibility of privatizing this or that enterprise or buying a package of shares. “This work is necessary. Foreign businessmen like seeing something formal. They don't exactly get it when we tell them that anything can be sold. Some believe that if everything is up for grabs, then nothing really is,” added the official.


A pilot list of 22 enterprises was compiled last year and Chinese investors were invited to consider acquisition options. Andrei Gayev explained that the investors had not shown much interest. “Negotiations about Gomselmash were arranged but no results have been produced so far. We can talk about real results with regard to [the civil engineering design institute] Belgosproekt. Chinese partners are expected to get a 60% share in the company's capital while the Republic of Belarus will retain 40%,” said the official.