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Healthcare of Belarus 2018 expo opens in Minsk


MINSK, 27 March (BelTA) – The 25th international exhibition Healthcare of Belarus 2018 kicked off in Minsk on 27 March, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Healthcare Ministry.


The expo features the latest achievements of medical science and healthcare. More than 240 exhibitors from 17 countries will display their products and technologies. Taking part in the exhibition will be world leaders in the medical and pharmaceutical industry, developers of new technologies for diagnosis and treatment of diseases.


Among the new medical products developed in the country are operating lamps, tables, consoles, monitors, anesthesia and respiratory apparatuses, artificial ventilation devices, anesthesia machines, birth tables, e-healthcare software. Specialists will be interested in patient simulators for many learning environments. The first domestic computer tomograph will be displayed at the exhibition.


Belarusian pharmaceutical manufacturers Ekzon, Lekpharm, Minskinterkaps, Nesvizh Plant of Medical Preparations, BelAseptika will hold seminars for doctors. On-site seminars will be organized for general practitioners, cardiologic specialists, endocrinologists, and therapists at Belmedpreparaty, Minskinterkaps, and Borisov Plant of Medical Preparations.


The expo will feature a wide scientific program, with the international scientific and practical conference, e-Health - Digital Transformation of the Healthcare System of the Republic of Belarus to be its central event. The program will also include a number of seminars on the circulation of medications, the development prospects of medical enterprises and the pharmacovigilance system in the country. A nationwide scientific and practical conference with international participation will be dedicated to medicinal plants and natural sources of Turkmenistan.


The Healthcare of Belarus expo will stay open through 30 March.


The expo is held in the Football Manege (20/2 Pobeditelei Avenue). The exhibition is organized by the Healthcare Ministry of Belarus in cooperation with the Technics and Communications Company.