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Lukashenko invites European businessmen to invest in Belarus


MINSK, 23 May (BelTA) – Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko invites European businessmen to implement investment projects in Belarus. The head of state made this statement as he met with representatives of the Swiss business community on 23 May, BelTA has learnt.

Alexander Lukashenko emphasized that raising foreign investments into modern technologies is one of the objectives of Belarus’ economic policy. “There are many promising investment projects we would like to implement with foreign partners. First of all, these are projects in the pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry and the industries you represent,” the head of state said addressing the businessmen.

The President expressed hope that the meeting will result in new cooperation projects with partners from Switzerland, Germany, Poland or any other country.

Addressing Peter Spuhler, the owner and the president of the Swiss company Stadler Rail Group, who leads the Swiss delegation to Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko expressed hope that the successful work of Stadler Rail Group in Belarus will encourage other big companies to start a business in Belarus.

The President reminded that the project to construct a plant to produce railway and municipal electric transport in Fanipol is a testimony to the fruitful cooperation with the Swiss company. According to the President, it took only two years to build from scratch one of the CIS most advanced plants producing railway passenger transport. “I have recently signed a decree to grant Fanipol the status of a satellite town of Minsk. I am convinced that it will have a positive impact on our joint project,” Alexander Lukashenko said addressing Peter Spuhler.

The Belarusian President emphasized that he is ready to listen to all kinds of cooperation proposals.

The Swiss business delegation is on a visit to Belarus on 22-26 May. The delegation includes heads of the world’s leading companies. The businessmen came to Belarus to learn about business and investment opportunities and terms, to find new partners and to promote their products. Nearly all the members of the delegation make part of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board of Stadler Rail Group. They include owners and top executives of foreign companies that hold leading positions in various economic sectors.

Stadler Rail Group is a leading European manufacturer of rolling stock for railway operators. Stadler Rail Group products are used all over the world, including in Austria, Germany, Italy, France, Norway, the United States and Finland. The Swiss company is implementing the investment project to start manufacturing passenger electric transport for railroads and urban mass transit systems. The project will be implemented phase by phase by building and commissioning a factory as well as engineering and transport infrastructure facilities.

Новости Беларуси (БЕЛТА)