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Lukashenko, Putin agree to strengthen all-round cooperation


Belarus and Russia are set to continue strengthening bilateral cooperation in all fields. The agreement was reached during the meeting between Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko and Russia President Vladimir Putin in Sochi on 5 February, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader.

During the meeting, special attention was paid to the upcoming events which are of importance for the Belarusian-Russian cooperation due in February. For example, the leaders of the two countries discussed in detail the agenda for the meeting of the Belarus-Russia Union State Supreme State Council. The Belarusian President noted that he talked over the preparations for the event with the Russian Prime Minister in Sochi. "We talked in detail about the meeting of the Supreme State Council and also a meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Union State which will be held in Mogilev," the Belarusian head of state said.

Vladimir Putin underlined the importance of talks with the President of Belarus in the run-up to the session of the Supreme State Council. "I am very happy to see you. We have a lot to talk about," the Russian leader said.

The Russian President suggested discussing "the current bilateral and regional issues, and joint efforts to strengthen the integration processes."

In view of the forthcoming events on the Belarusian-Russian agenda, the Presidents of Belarus and Russia reviewed the positions on a number of issues. The two leaders agreed that it is necessary to join efforts in the face of the present-day challenges.

In addition, Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin touched upon the issues on the international agenda, international and regional security.