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Lukashenko: Slavs must show their unity which was always displayed in critical moments


The International Festival of Arts Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk does not lose its kernel – the art of brotherly peoples of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine who stood at the origins of it, and is loyal to one of the main ideas – to use art to build bridges between people and preserve ethnic diversity, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said at the opening ceremony of the festival on 10 July, BelTA has learned.

The International Festival of Arts Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk brings together people from all over the world on the Belarusian land for the 23rd time. Alexander Lukashenko noted that various art movements and styles came in fashion during these years. “Many projects which seemed very promising at the beginning sank into oblivion. But our Slavonic Bazaar which started as a simple song contest evolved into a genuine creative Olympiad where representatives of different arts demonstrate their achievements,” the President remarked.

According to the head of state, Slavonic culture, one of the most ancient, original and opulent cultures in the world which embodied Eastern and Western traditions and preserved the intellectual and spiritual legacy of many generations, is a source of strength and energy of the festival.

“The group of Slavonic peoples is the largest in the world. The unity of Slavs was always revealed in the critical moments of history regardless of the fates of concrete ethnic groups. It is relevant today. And I am convinced that it is necessary to touch these strings of soul and show this Slavonic unity. Our ancestors were never apart, did not seek war and valued true friendship above all things. Even today they say that good friendship is better than wealth,” Alexander Lukashenko emphasized.

Slavonic Bazaar is one of the places where we can once again confirm our eagerness to be together. It is essential to preserve centuries-old ties between us that rely on the commonness of historical ways, languages and cultures,” the head of state believes.

According to the President, the echo of that great spiritual unity which inseparably connected Slavonic nations is heard in every piece of art from national cultures. “The things that we created together are the best. We love Yakub Kolas and Bogdanovich, Shevchenko and Gogol, Pushkin and Dostoyevsky. We admire the music by Tchaikovsky, Bortnyansky, Monyushko. We, Slavs, value and revere talent. We do not divide talented people into insiders and outsiders,” the head of state said.

Alexander Lukashenko remarked that the festival welcomes representatives of different continents, countries and nations. The project is not just the Slavonic forum. Every year it expands artistic and, what is also important, geographic boundaries. These days the festival will bring together representatives of 29 countries, reveal many young talents, present premiere projects and new programs.

“Cordiality and hospitality of Slavonic people to a large extent determines the unparalleled image of the festival, raises its popularity in the world. This is a festival for all people who make the life better and more beautiful with their art, for all who can appreciate beauty, talent and originality,” the Belarusian leader stressed.

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