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Plans to commission over 20 innovative production sites in Belarus in 2019


MINSK(BelTA) – Over 20 production sites will be commissioned in 2019 as part of the national innovative development program for 2016-2020. The figure was mentioned by Chairman of the State Science and Technology Committee Alexander Shumilin before the session of the Council of Ministers' Presidium held on 26 March to discuss the program's progress, BelTA has learned.

The official noted that not all the projects had been implemented on time and not everything had been possible to implement the previous year. The official explained that any high-tech production site can run into problems relating to technological solutions. An innovative project, which is unique in Belarus, can run into such problems because no ready-made technological solutions are available.

As many as 20 manufacturing projects were commissioned as part of the innovative development program in 2018, with another ten reaching the designed output capacity. Last year's successful projects included Belarus' first CT scanner, a cluster for complicated medical equipment and security systems, production of a new lineup of microchips. “As for the rest, we intend to close the gap this year,” the chairman of the State Science and Technology Committee specified. Twenty projects were added to the program in 2018. The output of innovative products was doubled in 2018 to reach Br1.120 billion.

Among the promising sectors where innovative projects will appear Alexander Shumilin mentioned electric transport, robot technology, instrument making, bio and nanotechnologies, new materials, information and communication technologies.