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Test gymnastics tournaments kick off in Minsk ahead of European Games


MINSK(BelTA) – Test tournaments in rhythmic gymnastics and sports acrobatics kicked off in Minsk Arena on 3 May, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Gymnastics Association.

Taking part in the rhythmic gymnastics tournament are athletes from Belarus, Russia, Austria, Estonia, Moldova, and Romania, including famous Russian gymnasts, multiple world champions Dina Averina and Arina Averina. Belarus is represented by Katsiaryna Halkina, Anastasiia Salos, Alina Harnasko, and Julia Evchik.

The sports acrobatics tournament has drawn athletes from Belarus, Russia, Azerbaijan, Poland, and the Netherlands. Belarusian team includes Karina Sandovich, Julia Ivonchyk, Veranika Nabokina, Artur Beliakou, Volha Melnik, Konstantin Evstafeev, and Hanna Kasyan.

Sports acrobatics and artistic gymnastics make part of the 2nd European Games program. On 22-23 June, 40 acrobats will compete in six medal events, while 52 gymnasts will compete in eight medal events at Minsk Arena.